Aching feet? A tense plantar fascia is often the reason behind it. A fascia ball can release this tension and relieve pain. In this training video, Kilian Wieczorek shows you how it works.
Kilian is a professional fireman who lives an active lifestyle. For him, variety is a top priority. “Every day, I try to include exercise in my daily routine. It starts small – like opting for the stairs instead of the elevator. I also ride my bike a lot instead of driving.” For Killian, fascia rolling is the perfect supplement. “I really feel that fascia exercises release my muscle tension, especially after intense exertion.” The circular, even movements release tension in muscles, tendons and ligaments. The result? Greater mobility and better blood circulation. And that goes for your whole body, not just your feet. In the video, Killian shows you how to use the BLACKROLL® ball to easily relax your fasciae at home or during downtime at work.