58 Taping can help, too. “You can do that, it’s a good way of supporting your musculoskeletal system,” the physiotherapist and chiropractor explains. But when the body builds up too much acid, taping won’t do much good. Magnus offers us another few tips: “Make sure you don’t overheat. The pelvis must be in sync. The joints and spine should work without blockages. But,” he continues – and this is where the circle closes: “If you have problems with any particular organ, they will be reflected in your muscles. In that case, you have to make sure that you’ve got the right equipment.” Another piece of advice he likes to share with “his” athletes: your clothes mustn’t bother you. Lightweight, well-fitting shoes are optimal. Once you’re done, never forget to regenerate. A balanced diet is as essential on the day after the race as a massage to relieve your muscles. “Breathe! Drink plenty of fluids with minerals.” There are certain regenerative infusions containing vitamin B, vitamin C and amino acids. These preparations are used in high-performance sports to help the organs detoxify faster. Ultimately, this is a personal decision. But never forget: “All parts of your body belong together, they are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. Always pay attention to your whole body!”